Sunday, 25 October 2009

Target Audience

It is very crucial that me and Conor have a better understanding of our target audience so that our film can appeal to them as much as possible, and for advertising purposes, for example the Teaser Poster and Poster. Me and Conor discussed our target audience after coming up with our final narrative, and for audience feedback, we will make sure we use our target audience for this. 

Age: The age of which I believe our film would appeal to is a youth audience (aged 15-25). I think my film would appeal to younger than this, but due to restrictions from BBFC, I think my film would achieve a 15 rating and we would have to base our research into our target audience being aged 15-25.
  • As my knowledge of media from the past year has told me, a youth audience likes fast paced editing. This is because they have a much smaller attention spam, and easily get bored if there is not something happening all of the time.
  • A youth audience would also prefer the soundtrack to be fast paced and up-beat. Classical style of music would not appeal to a youth audience, they are more interested in electronic produced sounds and syntheses. 

Gender: Because of the blood, violence and scenes of a women being tortured, my film would not appeal to the majority of the female audience, but instead has a massive appeal to the male audience because of the blood, violence and fast pace editing.
  • A male audience would expect to see a lot of blood and gore in a horror film. Me and Conor want to accommodate this while also sticking within the guidelines of a 15 BBFC rating.
  • A male audience would be appealed to the film more if we used an attractive girl in it, we will use an attractive girl in the house scene. 
  • A male audience would expect to see a lot of action our film, we can achieve this by making the scenes of the central protagonist running through the moors to be fast paced editing with lots of different shots used. 
To attract a female audience we have used the dead characters as all male, with a surviving women character shown at the end of the film, we believe this attracts a female audience because of the theory used that women will be attracted to a film that shows a strong female character dominating over male characters, because the male characters died and yet she managed to survive to the end of the film. 

Fans of: Because our film is of the horror genre, you would expect that it would attract fans of horror films, who will be looking for another great gory slasher with a good twist and quite a bit of action, here is how we have planned to attract this audience to our short film: 
  • By using inter textual references to horror films to attract fans of the particular movies, for example we are using the sound of a crow to signify death, an inter textual reference to The Crow.
  • Our film poster is an inter textual reference to Friday 13th new film poster, a very popular horror movie. 

Ethnicity: Our film has an all Caucasian cast, which means that it will not have any specific appeal to an ethnicity group, our film contains no racism or discrimination to any ethnic groups, neither does it show any conflict. We expect that any ethnic group should be able to enjoy our short film.

Socio-Economic Group: Our film should appeal to any kind of class, even because there is no real evidence to show what class the characters are. However the short film industry, with its low budgets, has a massive appeal to the lower-middle class group, so I would expect them to be very interested in our short film. 

1 comment:

  1. needs some further developing. i get the point on mainly male appeal BUT most producers will be asking themselves how they can reach out beyond their core audience, often in horror by casting attractive males and having a tough, independent 'final girl' female to balance out the crude stereotype of the scream queens who are mainly there to fit the male gaze...
