Monday 12 October 2009

Target Audience and BBFC Certification

The target audience of a short film must be understood by the production team because when it comes to promoting the film through advertising they must make sure they are advertising to the correct audiences. For example you would not advertise the new Saw movie in the middle of a Coronation Street break because the wrong audiences would be watching the advert.
Also when it comes to working out the target audience of a film, the BBFC rating scheme must be put into thought. The BBFC must rate all films before they are shown to the public, this is to protect young audiences from viewing media they should not be seeing.

The BBFC Rating Scheme:

Suitable for an audience of four and above, set with a positive nature and should counterbalance violent, threatening or horrific issues.

Suitable for pre school children and tend not to address the main nine issues.

PG (Parental Guidance), viewing of this certificate may be unsuitable for unaccompanied children. This rating shouldn't disturb and audience of around eight or older.

Suitable for children 12 and over, needing to be accompanied by an adult. Which replaced thnormal 12 certificate in 2002.

12 certificates , are specific for an audience of 12 and over.

15 certificates are specific for an audience below 15. And no one below 15 is able to viewany of this material.

18 is a rating which is strictly for adults only as it contains some form or explicit of the nine major categories.

R18 is classed for adults only and can only be sold at adult shop or viewed at a licenced cinema.

The BBFC uses these 9 key points when rating a film:
  • Theme
  • Language
  • Nudity
  • Sex
  • Violence
  • Sexual violence
  • Criminal or harmful actions
  • Horror
  • Drugs
When looking into the Target Audience, these aspects have to be considered:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Sexuality
  • Nationality/Culture
  • Ethnicity
  • Socio Economic Grouping
  • Fans Of 

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