Saturday 19 December 2009

Welcome To My Blog

This is Alex Jowett's blog for his A2 Media Production:

I (Alex Jowett) Have decided to create this blog to keep all my research, planning and footage in one place that can be easily viewed. It is a much more productive and advanced way of showing what I have done, and is a much better idea than just handing in hundreds of word documents to the examiner. On this blog I will be posting all of my research and planning as well as keeping you up to date wile my production is in progress. I will cover these areas:
  • Short Film Research
  • Codes and Conventions of Short Film
  • Genre Research
  • Target Audience Research
  • Initial Ideas and Audience Feedback
  • Final Narrative
  • Software and Hardware
  • British Cinema Research
  • Teaser Poster
  • Locations/Casting/Props/Set Design 
  • Soundtrack
  • Initial Research
  • Test Footage/Editing Notes
  • Storyboard/Screenplay
  • Ancillary Texts
  • Evaluation of Product
  • Final Cut! 
Meet the Production Team:
I decided that working on this film alone might not create as good results as if I worked with someone to share our knowledge of media together. I am going to be working with Conor Pott's for this production, we will be carrying out our own research and each making our own proposals which will be pull together to make a final narrative.

Alex Jowett (me) is better at the IT style of the production. I will be doing the majority of editing and camera work, as I take IT at A Level, I am a little more advanced than Conor at this part. My creative mind should come into use in our production, but where I lack in cinematographer, Conor is excellent at it.

Conor Pott's makes a great director and cinematographer. He knows the kind of shots that work well with the narrative and has an extremely creative mind which fires out some great ideas. This will be extremely helpful during filming and drawing up a narrative. 

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