Thursday 3 December 2009

Initial Sample Screen and Audience Feedback

We showed our rough cut film to a few members from our class, and they gave us some good and useful feedback into how we could make our production better, although we asked them to mainly focus on editing changes rather than changes to the narrative, unless this was crucial.

Target Audience and Media Influence: 
We tried to mainly show it to members of our class that were creating horror films because they would have a better understanding of codes and conventions of horror films through their own personal research. However we also had to make sure that the people we asked for audience feedback off now fitted in with our target audience as at this stage it is crucial that not only does our film have good techniques of media, but also can attract our target audience. 

Here is what they had to say:

Let's Start With The Good News:
The majority of our feedback was very positive about the scenes that were shot on the moor, they said they liked our choice of different camera angles, and liked the idea to hide cameras behind objects to give the impression that our central protagonist was being watched. They also thought that we had chose some good settings for our film.
However the best news for us is that the majority of our audience followed the preferred reading and did not understand that the central protagonist was the one who had murdered the bodies until he was at his home and there was the women tied up.

I Think It's Time To Borrow That Camera Again?

Our audience did tell us that the scenes in the house were not a good enough quality and that our actors and actresses did not play a good enough role to make the situation believable. This was not the worst news to be received as me and Conor already knew this and were already planning to re-film theses scenes anyway. When we then asked them if the basic outline of the shots inside the house were good, they responded that they did like the shot types, especially the one used to introduce the victim to the scene by making the central protagonist bow his head and reveal her.
From this feedback me and Conor are going to re-shoot these scenes Wednesday 9th December with a new actress who can hopefully play a more believable role. The actress we have chosen to re-shot the films has a lot more experience in acting and takes A2 level drama. 

At this time our audience were not very useful at telling us some good editing techniques, however me and Conor have a lot of ideas about what we can do for editing and will put them all into our filming, these can be seen on the Editing and Production Notes post. When they are added to our film we will call back some more audience feedback, so we can make any necessary changes they suggest before handing in our final cut.

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